Mexico City, Mexico

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Mexico City

With a population at almost 9 million, Mexico City is quite big. With unique culture and world famous celebrations like ‘Dia De Los Muertos’ Mexico City is a city you dont want to avoid when you are traveling around the world.

Top tourist attraction of Mexico City

The Zócalo is the main square in Mexico City and is one of the largest of it’s kind as it measures 240x240m. What makes this place the number 1 tourist attraction in Mexico city is the fact that the The National Palace, The Metropolitan Cathedral, and The Templo Mayor all are just around the square ready to be seen.

Must try food - Taco Al Pastor

Taco Al Pastor is a must try food when going to Mexico City. It is based on marinated pork sliced in small pieces served with pineapple, onions and cilandro. Also a slice of lime is typically added to to taco. Taco Al Pastor is a popular street food in Mexico City and you should definitely give it a try.

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