Washington d.c, usa

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Washington d.c

Home to The President of The United States Washington D.C is both a cultural and historical place. The White House, The Capitol, The Lincoln Memorial, The Washington Monument and The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is just a few of many things to explore in the Capital of The USA.

Top tourist attraction of Washington D.C

The White House is one of the most important places in all of The USA. It’s the official residence and workplace for the president and the majestic building is a must see when coming to Washington D.C. The White House has been home to the president of The USA since John Adams in 1800.

Must try food - Half Smoke

You’ve probably never heard about a ‘Half smoke’ unless you have been to Washington D.C. The dish is similar to a normal Hot Dog but is often, larger, spicier and smoked. People can’t agree where the name ‘Half Smoke’ originates but it’s believed the reason is that the sausage often is half pork and half beef.

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